Take 5 has MORE real life stories and MORE puzzles than any other weekly magazine in Australia. It’s packed with real-life stories that make you laugh, cry, gasp and feel inspired. There’s also easy, budget-friendly recipes, expert health advice, plus handy hints and tips to make your life easier – plus a massive prize pool on offer each week, with car, cash and more up for grabs.
Driven to succeed • We’ve helped almost a million Aussies achieve their dreams
I Killed My husband
A Big Solo-Bration
Beat The Heat • Hot tips for cool (and safe) workouts this summer
Turn Back time • The secret to reversing your biological age
Summer Buys • Effortless updates for easy, breezy days!
I’m Not A Paedophile!
Your Tips
Lifetime Of Letters
The Skin I’m In
Are Roo Kidding?
Blood Diamonds
Lunches to love • Plan your week with tasty meals that are simple to make and perfect to store
Coffee break!
Budget-Busting Dinners • Easy uses for that can of coconut milk in the pantry
Wheelie Happy
Family Fun for less • Kate Kirsten shows us how to make our cruising dollar sail even further!
Secret cash stash!
Stars • Your week ahead with award-winning astrologer Yasmin
Do it in the garden!
Your letters