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- General adult 34,682
- Juvenile 7,387
- Young adult 3,745
- Mature adult 311
Date added
- Last 7 days 58
- Last 14 days 142
- Last 30 days 4,299
- Last 3 months 4,853
- Last 6 months 5,993
- Kindle Book 22,460
- OverDrive Read 30,731
- OverDrive Read-along 420
- EPUB ebook 26,540
- Open EPUB ebook 5,709
- PDF ebook 1,608
- Open PDF ebook 55
- MediaDo ebook 10
- OverDrive Magazine 5,515
- Fiction 19,650
- Nonfiction 9,452
- Romance 8,040
- Literature 6,894
- Juvenile Fiction 5,715
- Thriller 5,126
- Fantasy 4,651
- Mystery 4,491
- Juvenile Literature 4,074
- Suspense 4,007
- Historical Fiction 3,648
- Young Adult Fiction 3,604
- Biography & Autobiography 3,162
- Classic Literature 2,877
- Humor (Fiction) 2,834
- Young Adult Literature 2,211
- History 2,128
- Science Fiction 1,690
- Juvenile Nonfiction 1,477
- Self-Improvement 1,314
- Business 1,218
- Short Stories 1,141
- Religion & Spirituality 1,125
- Politics 1,088
- Sociology 1,058
- Health & Fitness 1,029
- Science 962
- Family & Relationships 771
- Comic and Graphic Books 721
- Horror 704
- Food & Wine 681
- Home & Garden 649
- Christian Nonfiction 602
- Picture Book Fiction 592
- Western 549
- Movies, TV & Music 543
- Psychology 540
- Culture & Literature 509
- Mythology 500
- Reference 500
- Nature 486
- Humor (Nonfiction) 459
- Crafts 445
- Christian Fiction 431
- Folklore 427
- Cooking & Food 423
- Essays 416
- Performing Arts 395
- Travel & Outdoor 392
- Women's Lifestyle 372
- Sports & Recreations 366
- African American Fiction 363
- Language Arts 351
- Travel 345
- New Age 332
- LGBTQIA+ (Fiction) 328
- Military 314
- Science Fiction & Fantasy 311
- Cars & Motorcycles 310
- Study Aids & Workbooks 301
- Tech & Gaming 294
- Poetry 283
- Philosophy 280
- Sports 275
- Art & Architecture 267
- Celebrity & Gossip 257
- True Crime 254
- Art 234
- Men's Lifestyle 233
- Computer Technology 227
- Economics 210
- Medical 200
- Literary Criticism 187
- Fashion 184
- Technology 179
- Erotic Literature 176
- Kids & Teens 175
- Drama 175
- Education 173
- Beginning Reader 158
- Young Adult Nonfiction 157
- Finance 154
- Business & Finance 149
- Music 146
- News & Politics 141
- Family & Parenting 135
- Luxury 134
- Women's Studies 124
- Careers 119
- Self Help 111
- Photography 109
- Home Design & Décor 102
- Multi-Cultural 94
- Law 87
- Hunting & Fishing 80
- Geography 78
- Foreign Language Study 77
- Pets 73
- African American Nonfiction 70
- Mathematics 68
- Boating & Aviation 60
- Games 56
- Transportation 56
- Travel Literature 48
- Literary Anthologies 45
- Comics & Manga 42
- Gardening 39
- LGBTQIA+ (Nonfiction) 37
- Ethics 34
- Picture Book Nonfiction 31
- Architecture 30
- Management 28
- Physics 26
- Entertainment 26
- Media Studies 17
- Children 16
- Gender Studies 15
- Judaica 15
- Engineering 14
- Adult 11
- Grammar & Language Usage 11
- Writing 11
- Chemistry 10
- Marketing & Sales 10
- Non-English Fiction 9
- Foreign Language Study - Spanish 9
- Sales & Marketing 9
- Professional 9
- Urban Fiction 7
- Inspirational 7
- Antiques 6
- Non-English Nonfiction 5
- Foreign Language Study - Italian 5
- Lifestyle 4
- Foreign Language Study - French 4
- Current Events 4
- Human Rights 4
- Psychiatry 4
- Crime 3
- Outdoor Recreation 3
- Psychiatry & Psychology 2
- Genealogy 2
- Foreign Language Study - Chinese 1
- Foreign Language Study - English 1
- Foreign Language Study - German 1
- Child Development 1
- English 44,357
- Spanish; Castilian 452
- French 313
- Portuguese 205
- German 204
- Italian 157
- Japanese 120
- Chinese 94
- Hindi 75
- Afrikaans 64
- Swedish 31
- Danish 23
- Dutch; Flemish 21
- Finnish 11
- Korean 11
- Russian 8
- Norwegian 7
- Welsh 5
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- Turkish 3
- Vietnamese 3
- Gujarati 2
- Persian 1
- Irish 1
- Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic 1
- Indonesian 1
- Icelandic 1
- Romanian; Moldavian; Moldovan 1
- Tamil 1
- Urdu 1
Interest Levels
- Lower Grades (K–3) 2,076
- Middle Grades (4–8) 2,427
- Middle Grades+ (6–12) 684
- Upper Grades (9–12) 2,458
Lexile® Measures
- BR–200L 80
- 200L–400L 245
- 400L–600L 1,480
- 600L–800L 3,196
- 800L–1000L 2,030
- 1000L–1200L 710
- 1200L–1400L 234
- 1400L–1600L 42
- 1600L–1800L 7
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