Miss Dodge fl ees her uncle's desperate efforts to match her with an entirely unacceptable candidate, someone who holds his hefty IOU's. She is under the false impression that she has a choice in the matter. After meeting him, she decides it is an impossible hazard she intends to avoid.
Escaping, her sister and aunt join her in flight to the New World, America. Her sister Rebekah answers a mail-order-bride ad in the newspaper, and they are off to another adventure in Fort Worth, Texas.
The antics of cowboy Ben and Miss Dodge leave both of them wondering about the other's sanity. She is forced to escape again, this time from a large cat, which is entirely too close for comfort. An accurate last-minute shot by Mr. Franklin rescued her.
Ben is glad his brother fi nds love with Rebekah Dodge, but her sister is frustrating, always requiring saving from danger. No one knows how Miss Dodge fi nds herself in such threatening troubles – can Ben be attracted to this English gal who is feisty, confusing, and lovable all rolled into one beautiful package? How can he not?